Hikaru and Gotham Solved 4 Player Chess

An excerpt from the 4-Player Chess Session with Hikaru, Qiyu, and Alex “Manbunovich” Ostrovskiy.

In this video:
Hikaru Nakamura. Do I really have to put his links?
On twitch at

IM Alex Ostrovskiy streams on my channel and has an excellent Caro-Kann course:

and WGM Qiyu Zhou :arrow_right:


If you like the content, and want to donate: paypal.me/gothamchess

Play vs. me on Chess.com:


  1. I've only got into watching chess recently (thanks covid) Gothham is who I found and latched on to and if there's one thing I've learned it's that Qiyu is always eating when I see her lol

  2. Levy sleeping while others planning😂😂😂

  3. That girls dumb as hell.

  4. Chop sticks to eat chips to prevent mouse and keyboard from chip dust is big brain strat.

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