How to play Chess (2024 rules)

Learn the rules to Chess quickly and concisely – This video has no distractions, just the rules.

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Check out WoodUMakeIt’s video about how this Chess set was made:

The object of the game is to checkmate the other king. Checkmate happens when the king is in a position to be captured and cannot escape from the capture.

Layout an 8×8 checkered board between two players with a lighter colored space in the bottom right. Setup the second row with white’s pawns. On the first row, from left to right, setup: Rook, Knight, Bishop, Queen, King, Bishop, Knight, Rook. On the opposite side of the board, mirror this setup for the black pieces. Each player picks a color and the player playing as white moves first, then turns alternate. On your turn you must move one of your pieces that is on the board, even if you don’t want to.

Pieces may not share a space, instead, you may move your piece to the same space as an enemy piece to capture that piece and remove it from the board. Pieces capture the first enemy piece they move into, and, with the exception for the knight, pieces are not allowed to move through any other piece.

The queen can move any number of spaces in a straight line in any direction. The rook can move any number of spaces horizontally or vertically. The bishop can move any number of spaces diagonally. The knight jumps over all pieces and moves 2 spaces either horizontally or vertically, then 1 space at a right angle from the last one, so the move resembles the letter “L”.

Pawns can only move 1 space forward, toward their opponent’s side of the board, but can only capture 1 space diagonally forward. A pawn may not capture a piece directly in front of it. A pawn’s first move of the game, it is allowed a double step move, and can move 2 spaces forward instead of one. However, if a pawn performs a double step move, and in so doing moves passed a space that an opponent’s pawn could have captured if that pawn had only moved one space. Then the opponent may choose to perform “En Passant” on their very next turn and capture to the passed over space with their pawn and remove the double step pawn from the board. En passant may only be used the very next turn, it cannot be saved for later, and only a pawn may perform it.

When a pawn reaches the farthest row of the board, it is promoted to either a knight, bishop, rook, or queen; the owner of the piece decides what it is promoted to. The choice is not limited to previously captured pieces. Remove the pawn from the board and replace it with the promoted piece. Promoted pieces move as a normal piece. There is no limit to the quantity of any type of piece you can promote to, other than when running out of pawns.

The king can move 1 space in any direction, but it may never move to a space that an opponent’s piece could capture. The king can perform a special move called “castling”. To castle, move your King two spaces towards either rook, then move that rook to the other side of the king. To castle, it must be the King’s very first move. It must be that Rook’s very first move. There cannot be any pieces in between the king and the rook. And the King may not be in check, pass-through check, or end on a space in check; but the rook can pass through a threatened space or be threatened.

Whenever a move threatened to capture a king, the attacking player must say: “Check”. The other player must then use their turn to protect the King by either:
• moving the king out of check.
• Moving a different piece to block the path of the attack.
• Or by capturing the piece that threatens the king.

If the king cannot escape the threat and there is no move to protect the king. Then it is Checkmate, and the game is over and the attacker wins.

A draw occurs in one of the following ways:
• Players at any time may agree to end the game in a draw.
• If your king is not in check and you cannot legally move any of your pieces.
• There is an…


  1. i repeated it so he said "chess chess chess chess chess chess chess chess chess chess chess chess chess, how to play"

  2. For the refresher of this video, check out the exact same video your watching.

  3. I am trying to teach my primary school students the game of chess and this gave me a good line in what order to show them

  4. Just as scissors beat paper, which beats rock, which beats scissors, creating a loop, God always wins.

  5. Why does it say 2024 rules if it was made in 2022

  6. You said rook knight bishop king queen bishop knight rook in the old but in this you said rook knight bishop queen king bishop knight rook

  7. "Chess, also known as regular chess; how to play. The rules are the same as regular with no changes. For a refresher of those rules, keep checking out this video."

  8. You forgot a rule
    You may not capture your own piece

  9. Fun fact: the knight When It moves it land on the reverse color that were standing
    e. g. :starts in white->moves->land un black

  10. Well done for distinguishing the triple-repetition rule from the fivefold repetition rule, and similarly for the 75-move rule.

    However, the touched piece rule should be mentioned as well.

  11. Pawn + Light Bulb = Pawn Bulb ♟️💡

  12. WHen i saw 2024 rules , i thought chess rules got updated

  13. Why does this specify 2024? The current set of rules have been around for like 100 years right?

  14. TSG never stops producing refreshers of the rules

  15. Thank you for covering the Chess v6.7.24 update! Glad to have a digestable version of what has changed in 2024, as it's been 3 years since I last played chess.

  16. I would love to see a combination of three or more games. Maybe a game combining chess, Scrabble, Monopoly and Risk.

  17. That was very helpful. I'm just overwhelmed how I'm supposed to explain this to my 8 year old son anaha he's very good at chess I might add

  18. 4:33 But to be honest, how many games last 50 moves before someone goes checkmate?

  19. Knights move to any closest square that isn't in the same file nor rank nor diagonal

  20. Waitt!! that's an insanely good chess piece!! Definitely easier to see it from above

  21. DID THE RULES CHANGE WHAT THE HECK(and btw ur ahead of time)

  22. Chess, how to play. The rules are the same as regular chess. There are no changes. For a refresher of those rules, check out this video!!!

  23. The rules are the same as regular chess, but with these changes.

    Thanks for watching

  24. Where do you get your board / pieces from? I would love to have such Chess-Chips!

  25. En passant; can I opt to not perform en passant or its mandatory?!

  26. 2:12 "En Passant" is that a new 2024 rule? I've been playing chess since I was 10 years old I read books on Chess and I've never heard of such a rule can someone explain that to me please?

  27. Yeah l. Thank you very much. I will safe this

  28. Learning

    Pawns – the pawns can 2 move spaces

    The rook – rook can move any numbers of spaces horizontally or vertically

    Bishop – can move any numbers of spaces diagonally

    Knight – horizontally or vertically to space at a right angle

    King – king only number of one spaces

    Queen – can move any of numbers to spaces in straight line


    The rook capture by rook

    Capture protect

    The rook capture by rook has been protect by pawns

    Checkmate border

    the checkmate end the game up border or down border with king

  29. Good job showing me Chess. Can Triple S Games know how to play the Jurassic Park Digger card game?

  30. The thumbnail says that chess has new rules in 2024.
    While it's the same

  31. For this MAJOR chess variant:
    Same as chess, but 1 zillion changes:
    1. No Check/Checkmate
    2. No Capture
    3. No Double-Step/En Passant
    4. No promotion
    5. No Castle
    Exception: Capturing a King to Win

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