Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, billionaire and philantropist, faced off against the World Chess Champion – Magnus Carlsen during the talkshow “Skavlan” in 2014, recorded in a studio in London. Carlsen started with 30 seconds on his clock, and Gates with 2 minutes – by the time he’d win the game, Carlsen would only up 12 of those seconds!
#chess #magnuscarlsen #billionaire #billgates #brilliantmove #kingsacrifice
Imagine if right after winning Magnus said “when I’m sober I do this much faster”
And then Bill decided to reduce the world population.
That was even dumber than Windows OS
Only game Magnus didn't come late to
Gates tried to dominate the world, but he has a lot to learn.
LOL, he was in a zone looking at something else and got checkmated. Been there myself many times. Looking only at what I'm doing instead of what my opponent is doing too.
Wow this video makes my back hurt.
What an idiot. Each moves he made enabled magnus' queen movements on the next.
Magnus's computer once he returns home after the show: "Microsoft.exe has stopped working"
Is Gate supposed to be good at chess?
I’m surprised Bill Gates didn’t pay off Magnus to lose for him lmao
evil Gates!
When a player willingly gives you 3 pts for 1 at the beginning of a game, just know that you being set up
I know Billy Boy wants to depopulate the planet. Now we know who he would start with..,,
I mean I know nothing about chess other than the rules, but those last two moves by Bill were obviously opening the door to that check mate.
bet bill wishes he didn't kill clippy, he might have been able to help lol.
Bill gates lost intentionally.
How any one can sit opposite that evil vile psycho & not swing for him is astounding !
Yes, i guess he bet him in 12 seconds?
So it was checkmate as soon as Gates took his bishop.
Bill Gates coulsnt even beat Epstein at Chess
Everybody does that’s why he wants to depopulate the earth
Gates is corrupt/ fraud
It was like watching a replay of the zune vs iPod battle
"12 seconds"
"Game is over a minute long"
Bill so impressed he started an affair with Magnus.
12 seconds?
"12 seconds" 🙄 clicbait
Are seconds different in chess? Because that was more than 12 for sure.
You can't throw money at that bill 😂
He played Bill like Bill plays with children.
Wow. Mr White taught Todd well.
Why is this a shocker? Who thinks Bill Gates is smart?
In the extended version, Bill Gates clean his tears with 1000s
A visual representation of what would happen to world leaders if regular people stopped fighting each other
bill made most of the same moves i would have. and that's the problem–chess isn't about taking an piece when you can. that's playing checkers when you're opponent is playing chess
A grandmaster of chess is better at chess than a rich guy who doesn't play chess???
This proves that chess is not about intelligence. It's about knowledge.
That's some bad chess on Bill Gates…. Bd3 was bad. Blocking pawn on queen file…castling to the same side of Carlson's queen… Moving pawn to h3 was good but using it to capture was bad. and finally Nf3 to capture instead of defending h2 was bad bad bad !
Magnus: makes a move
Crowd: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
1:26 yeah that what you always tell her bill…
This is like changing a tire when you're a master mechanic. It's not that Bill Gates is slow; its that this guy is super fast. He is already anticipating every single possible move Gates could make and has a counter planned for every single one
Rich is not the same as intelligent
Bill was playing on legendary mode😂
Those blunders are unforgivable
I usually last longer… Sure you do bill, sure you do!
We all know Bill Gates is better at genocide than playing chess.
Bill was never really that smart to begin with
Bill opened too many windows and Magnus ran the program